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Items (40 total)




The New Athletic Field, 1914-15

The collage above depicts photos of The New Athletic Field. The top photo is of the Grandstands. This photo shows the baseball stands that were built into the Northwest corner of the bowl, where the Scot Center is now. The baseball field was located…


Action shot of men playing football 1900-1901

This image is the first action shot of men participating in athletics in the Index. The photo depicts men playing football on the athletic field. The youths are in knickers in the foreground. And the stands are in the background. The crowd can be…


Photo Collage "On the Campus" 1900-1901

The image above is a photo collage captioned "on the campus." The gymnasium is shown in two photographs. The first image is an action shot in the index of students participating in sport. The other photograph is of men playing football. The first…


Hoover Cottage Baseball Teams, 1896-1897

The image above is a list of the Hoover Cottage Base Ball Teams. Two women's teams organized at the Cottage on April 21st, 1897. The bat was presented by the Rhoads' Boarding Club. Positions are listed for nine players and a captain for each team.


Kappa Alpha Theta, 1891-1892

The image above is of the Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta for women sixteen pictured. It was founded in 1875 in Wooster. The first photo of the fraternities in Index. Women appear gathered around a central figure in the photo. Four of these…


Detail: Drawing of girls basketball exhibition- March 20, 1903

The image above is a detail of illustration from 1902-1903 calendar of a girl's exhibition basketball game between Hoover Cottage and the Wooster Girls. The drawing shows seven women wearing sailor style tops with scarfs and skirts to just above…


Lynn W. St. John, First Athletic Director at Wooster, 1902-1909

The image above is of Lynn W. St. John, Ph.B. 1908. A Laboratory Assistant in Biology and Director of Athletics from 1902 to 1909, St. John would later leave Wooster for Ohio Wesleyan University in order to replace Branch Rickey while Rickey was on…


Drawing of Campus, 1919-1920

The image above is a drawing of campus at the time. Severance Gymnasium is prominent in the center back with the football field behind it. The old Gymnasium is barely visible between Kauke and the Chapel, in a grove of trees. The Observatory and…


The Athletic Council, 1918-19

The photo of the Athletic Council, 1918-19, shows a group of six women, waist up, all dressed in dark sailor tops with white scarfs. The women were the managers of six major sports: hockey, track, hiking, basketball, swimming, and tennis. It was the…


The WC Girls, 1919-1920

This photograph is of six WC Girls, wearing their WC letter sweaters. Their names were not listed. These women had earned their WC through participation in Women's Athletic Board activities. The emphasis for the women was on participation and…