Women Playing Basketball and Volleyball, 1944-45


The left photo depicts a woman is shooting a free throw at the foul line, while five other women are standing at the lane lines. All were dressed in shirts and shorts. They were most likely playing six-player basketball: only so many players are allowed across the center line. This was a modified version of the men's game. The women could be playing intramural basketball or in a p.e. class. This year, five practices were the minimum required for participation in the inter-club basketball tournament. The basketball season started off with a bang in its usual fashion. It was one of the most popular sports of the year and one of the best attended. During the practice periods, the first half of the time was devoted to the reviewing of skills and to concentration on fundamentals. The latter half was taken up by actual games. The outstanding teams of the season were the Peanuts still playing in excellent form, and the Spitfires, a team composed entirely of freshmen. The right photo shows the four women in the frame playing volleyball, two on either side of the net. The ball was just clearing the net. The women appear to be wearing gym suites, so it was most likely a phys ed class. Managing volleyball this year was Dot Aten who replaced Alice Rodgers mid-year. The game enjoyed a good turnout as volleyball seems to be not only one of the major winter sports but also one which lends itself readily to team co-operation and a spirit of fun and good sportsmanship. Since these things were the chief aims of the sports program, it was gratifying to see Wooster women live up to them. The administrative head at the time was Kathleen Lowrie.

Collection Tags


Women Playing Basketball and Volleyball, 1944-45


College sports; Volleyball; Basketball; Women athletes; Women volleyball players; Women basketball players






The College of Wooster


The College of Wooster


Still Image





Women in Sport and Physical Education at The College of Wooster by Brenda Meese is licensed under a
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This item is part of the College of Wooster's more complete Women in Sport and Physical Education collection, which can be found here: