The image above was titled, "Girls' Athletics. No Sissy Program: Over 50 per Cent of women Take Part in 11 Extra-curricular Sports." Wooster's co-eds have long been chided by fellows about their quaint gym suits and sissy rules. The girls had an answer to this: the 11 extra-curricular activities offered the women far outnumber the three intramural sports for the men. Furthermore, 50 percent of the girls in school take part in one of these sports, a figure probably not touched by the males. It was the job of the Women's Athletic Association board to organize extra-curricular sports.
The photo was captioned: "In intramural basketball, the Imps triumphed in League I and the Miller Bombers were on top in League II. The play-off found the Bombers winning the championship 15-10. Among the 80 enthusiasts who played basketball this year were (above) Skippy Pierson, Rheen Hegner, Barb Hough, Jackie Nuttall, Jean Hodgson, and Paulie Swan." The photo depicts shot from above the hoop while six women look up at the basket. Three were in pinnies, and three are not. The ball may be in the hoop, as there appears to be a dark circle at the bottom of the net. The Administrative Head at this time is Kathleen Lowrie.