Class Managers for the Big Six Programs in 1923-1924


The image above is a page that shows the photos of each group of Class Managers for the Big Six Activities: Hockey, Hiking, Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, and Track. The class managers are in charge of organizing their class team's practices and choosing the team that will represent the class in that sport.

Hockey: Great Interest was shown in hockey last fall. All the girls observed strict training rules, and practiced regularly for many weeks, till very competent teams were formed. Throughout the closely contested games, the Sophomores were undefeated and thus won the inter-class Championship.

Hiking: Hiking is especially popular at Wooster, because everyone who wishes can go out for it, and no training rules are required. The ten-mile breakfast hike has proved a favorite this year. The group starts very early in the morning, hike five miles, cooks breakfast out-of-doors, and then hike back.

Tennis: Tennis is fast becoming one of the most popular sports at Wooster. More girls went out for the all-tournament this year than ever before. Loretta Crawford won the Championship from Clara Durbin.

Basketball: The girls' basketball games this season were some of the most interesting and hard fought contests ever witnessed in the gym. The Sophomores, by putting up the strenuous opposition, beat the Juniors 23-8 and won the championship. Much attention has been given this year to the selection of the Black and Gold teams. They are composed of the best players in the upper-class teams. After they have played one game the best players are selected from them to make up the Varsity team. To be a member of the Varsity team is the highest honor a Wooster girl can attain in basketball.

Swimming: Swimming is a sport that is enjoyed by the girls all year round. Four very interesting meets were held this year. Two of them were inter-class competitive meets, while the others were for the individual winning of points.

Track: Girls' track is divided into two parts- indoor and outdoor. Each girl works individually to earn points. In indoor track, points are won by jumping the buck, doing the traveling rings, the horse, the parallel bars, the ropes and the ladders in good form. In outdoor track this year intense rivalry was shown among the girls. They vied with each other in seeing who could run the fastest, jump the highest, and hurl or throw the farthest. Those who received the highest number of points were awarded chevrons and gold medals.

The women appeared to be dressed in slightly different uniforms. Some are dark, some light sailor tops. All have scarves. The administrative head at the time was Kathleen Lowrie

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Class Managers for the Big Six Programs in 1923-1924







The College of Wooster


The College of Wooster


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Women in Sport and Physical Education at The College of Wooster by Brenda Meese is licensed under a
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This item is part of the College of Wooster's more complete Women in Sport and Physical Education collection, which can be found here: