Girls' Sports Emphasize the Fun in Keeping Trim, 1953-1954


The Girls' Athletics:"Girls' Sports Emphasize the Fun in Keeping Trim." The Intramural sports program offered a variety of activities from fall through spring, designed to suit every girl's taste. Team sports represented were hockey, volleyball, basketball, and softball. Tennis, archery, tumbling and golfing were favorite individual activities. Co-recreation featured bowling, fencing, and badminton. Tournaments and playdays provided competition and fun for all. Season's in Dance', an original program of interpretive modern dancing, climaxed the season's activities for Orchesis. Appropriate choreography and costumes depicted the mood. With membership open to anyone interested, Orchesis provides an opportunity for self-expression and originality through the medium of movement. Practice in those black leotards aided poise and coordination. There are four photos: 1. Sphinx Club Intramural Volleyball Champions. 2. Basketball practice session: Before the critical eyes of Dr. Sexton, J. Eaton, N. Orahood and J. Brooks on the floor, M. Buckstaff and J. Coulson demonstrated basketball technique in one of the five required practice sessions. 3. The governing board of W.A.A. Photo on the steps of Severance. 4. Orchesis performing. In the darkened gym, Anne Anderson, Hope Hunter, Demi Takeshita, Ginny Martin portrayed Autumn. Sphinx Club Intramural Volleyball Champions were wearing sweatshirts with shorts. In the basketball photo, the girls were wearing shirts and shorts. The W.A.A board were wearing regular clothes with coats. Orchesis girls were wearing dance leotards. The administrative head at the time was Maria Sexton.

Collection Tags


Girls' Sports Emphasize the Fun in Keeping Trim, 1953-1954


College sports for women; Sports for women; Intramural sports; Basketball; Gymnasiums; Physical fitness centers






The College of Wooster


The College of Wooster


Still image






Women in Sport and Physical Education at The College of Wooster by Brenda Meese is licensed under a
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This item is part of the College of Wooster's more complete Women in Sport and Physical Education collection, which can be found here: http://cdm15963.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15963coll21/id/1108